Webinar Review: Transform Your Indesign Content with Issuu

By October GunawanSeptember 23, 2020Editorial

Webinar Review: Transform Your Indesign Content with Issuu

Adobe InDesign users range from being marketing-focused to graphic design experts. InDesign is a flexible and industry-standard program that can create visually appealing content. 

However, the result of creating content in InDesign are files, which is not always easy to view, let alone share. Most notably, when creating PDFs on InDesign, there is a certain lackluster to scrolling static pages, no matter how well put together.

And so, that is where Issuu comes in! The flipbook style gives an interactive touch that is easily shareable as a bonus. Style Extraordinaire and Marketing Expert Meghan Cole led a webinar about using Issuu with InDesign. 

For those who need a review or missed the webinar, here are some takeaways:

1. Save and Export InDesign File

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It should be intuitive that creative work is saved often to prevent lost work due to technical errors.

In InDesign, click on “File” on the upper left-hand corner, then “Save As”.

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First, save the file as .indd or “InDesign 2020 Document” to edit as a future InDesign file.

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Then, export into another file format, in this case, an Interactive PDF.

export file

A couple of settings need to be set before completing the export: 

1) In “General” settings, export as “Pages” rather than “Spreads”.

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2) Keeping the JPEG compression, set the quality to “High” under “Compression” settings, with the resolution at 300 ppi.

InDesign user interface, exporting files

2. Upload to Issuu

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With the Interactive PDF downloaded, it’s time to turn it into an Issuu publication. First, log onto Issuu and click on the “+ Add Content” button on the left-hand of the home page. Then select “Create” after which where you can upload the Interactive PDF created with InDesign. 

To boost your content, make sure to fill out all the fields, especially “Title” and “Description”. To access features such as scheduling publications and making them downloadable upgrade from a free account.

3. Optimize and Distribute

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Features such as Article Stories and Visual Stories are available to all users. They showcase text and visuals in your publications to provide marketing material alongside an alternative reading experience.

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Subscription Issuu users can have links auto-detected and embed videos into their publications.

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Subscribers can also embed publications or use fullscreen sharing to share content. Another way to get the word out is to embed visual stories or GIFs in email marketing.

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Afterward, users can check content performance with Issuu Statistics.

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Want to know about the next webinar? Check out Issuu’s webinar page!