Transform fashion guides into digital flipbooks

Create digital fashion and style guides with Issuu and showcase the hottest fashion trends with a fullscreen sharing experience. Monetize the fashion guides interactive with shopping links, and mobile-friendly reading too. Easily repurpose content with Issuu Visual Stories for Insta-ready looks.

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fashion guides on desktop, laptop, and mobile.

How to make an online fashion guide:

  1. Upload your fashion guide as a PDF. (Or you can upload .doc, .docx, or .ppt file types or import your files directly from Dropbox or Google Drive.)

  2. Incorporate product and shopping links to all the latest fashion trends shown in your style guide. 

  3. Add videos to bring the fashion trends to life. 

  4. Share with your audience by using fullscreen sharing, create visual stories for Instagram and Facebook, and mobile-friendly article stories.

Issuu is a popular solution for the fashion industry


Transform your fashion guide on Issuu today!

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