Patrick Farenga

Medford, US

Patrick Farenga worked closely with the author and teacher John Holt until Holt’s death in 1985. He is the President of Holt Associates Inc. and was the Publisher of Growing Without Schooling magazine (GWS) from 1985 until it stopped publishing in 2001. GWS was the nation’s first periodical about homeschooling, started by Holt in 1977. Farenga and his wife have learned at home with their three girls, now ages 24, 21, and 18. Farenga has written many articles and books about homeschooling and unschooling, including Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Homeschooling. Farenga also appears on local and national media shows as a homeschooling expert, such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox and Friends, The Voice of America, NPR's The Merrow Report, and CNN's Parenting Today. Farenga addresses audiences about homeschooling, unschooling and the work of John Holt around the world.
