Introducing Matt

By IssuuSeptember 24, 2013Last updated on February 2, 2018Inside Issuu

Matt’s our incredibly talented frontend engineer from Germany. He makes complex stuff work smoothly on every imaginable device. Do you know the latest internet meme trend? Matt does, and he gladly blogs about it for the world to enjoy. Oh, and did we mention he kitesurfs as well?

A photo of Matt take a selfie with a mountain range behind him.

For the uninitiated, what’s your role at Issuu?I work in what’s currently called Team Monster – but generally it’s safe to describe me as a passionate lover of the frontend. Together with my teammates, I am making sure that your browser (be it on your 30" desktop computer, your fancy Microsoft Surface tablet or your mom’s iPhone) gets the sweetest mix of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Interface and frontend development is the presentation layer that makes all the ideas functional. Don’t you have to be really innovative sometimes to succeed?You bet. Not only are we working right at the forefront of digital publishing, some of the features we are using on are just as cutting edge.Our release in May completely revamped the way we develop and build the client part of Issuu and we had the great chance to write modern, semantic and responsive code. With an audience like ours, we can take advantage of some of the newest technologies out there. more

Not only do you kitesurf, you’re a bit of a sucker for all kinds of action sports – would you say you’re an adrenaline junkie?I like fast. I enjoy leaving my comfort zone for kicks. It also complements my other passion which is traveling. When you’re somewhere in the middle of Indonesia and you can choose between taking a tourist bus or renting a motorbike to your next destination, which option will let you discover more of the country?Exactly, it’s the one that could also result in you getting your arm stitched up in a shack vaguely resembling a clinic and not being able to swim for two months.

What particularly enjoyable publications have you stumbled upon lately?With kitesurfing getting more and more popular, the magazines about the sport become more professional as well. The Kiteboarder Magazine is one I can recommend.And then there are C-Heads and Kitten which amaze me with their artsy, romantic photography just as much as with their pretty models. Definitely following these guys!