How Brands Use Stories to Optimize their Digital Content

By IssuuMay 27, 2019Last updated on July 1, 2019Business, Content Marketing

How Brands are Using Issuu Stories to Optimize their Digital Content

With more platforms than ever adopting the Stories format, the Internet has become “storified.” Consumers are finding themselves browsing content on their phones in higher frequency. This has led to the rise in the Story format for networking platforms. The transition from news feeds to Stories is changing how brands communicate with their audiences. Mobile-optimized formats show people how your product fits into their lives, not just the cost. Issuu helps brands do more to entertain and educate their audiences with Issuu Stories. Here are some ways companies are mastering their brand voice with Stories.

What are Issuu Stories?

Issuu Stories is the best way to optimize your PDF content for mobile. For years, publishers have loved using Issuu to host and share their PDF content. Now, users can create Stories from their PDF content to share with their audience across devices. Stories are a fantastic way to make sure your audience has the best experience no matter the device. Whether they’re reading from desktop or mobile, Stories optimize your content and get your readers right to the good stuff.

With the ease of a few taps, Issuu Stories are a simple way to connect your audience to the content they care about. Share Stories across your social channels to expand your reach and pique audience interest. Let’s take a look at how some brands are using Stories to optimize their content.

Use Stories to communicate your mission statement

People are demanding fewer sales pitches and products without negative world impact. A 2017 study found 87% of all consumers would purchase a product because that company stood up for a cause they cared about. Therefore, show off how you are carrying out your mission with social stories across

Patagonia taps into the momentum one of the most popular causes today—climate change. By integrating editorial into their brand catalog they show how people are appreciating nature with Patagonia products. The brand uses mobile Stories like this about a young family’s journey hiking in the mountains with two toddlers. Inspiring and relatable this Story builds brand trust by showing the reliability of their products not only in extreme weather but also for children.

Similarly, airline company Southwest takes a human-centered approach. The company values “sophisticated storytelling about the people and places that make this country special.” Southwest Magazine writes on business trends, sponsored events like this music festival Luck Reunion, and celebrities. They focus on in-depth interviews with inspiring figures such as Airbnb exec Chip Conley, and Netflix star Lana Condor. Stories that you can tag influencers and celebrities are ideal because they attract engagement by tapping into existing social networks.

Advertise events, run contests, or feature cool people and entertain customers. Creating a mobile Story is as easy as uploading your PDF, clicking pages, adding a description, and publishing. From the Story builder, you can directly publish to the social media of your choice. Now, you can even convert your Instagram Stories into an Issuu Story with just a few clicks. Stories are also featured on Apple News for additional reach. Check out our social sharing toolkit for Story promotion strategies.

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Stories breakdown useful content into social media-ready pieces

Rule number one of online branding: curate evergreen content, or content “that is continually relevant and interesting for readers regardless of time.” This includes pieces like how-tos, lists, and recipes. Customers return if they consider the brand a trusted source of information. For example, Tesco, UK based market chain, uses Stories for distributing recipes featuring ingredients from their stores. Their posts are interactive, seasonally relevant, and simple. Issuu also SEO optimizes all Stories so their readymade content resurfaces easily as the seasons change.

Useful content does not have to be dry and boring. People respond better to material that doesn’t sound scripted. For example, the Guardian found that lo-fi Stories resonated significantly better with their audience. Taking note, they boosted Instagram followership to over 1 million in four months. Chances are your company has learned something over the years. Share what you learn and be open!

Humanize your brand by spotlighting employees

Tell the stories of people who work with you! People want to feel connected to other humans, not bots and algorithms. Show audiences you value them by asking for user-generated content. WeWork dedicated an Instagram Stories page to customers using their workspaces. This intimacy increases brand loyalty. And don’t forget a swipe-up call to action on Instagram Stories for business accounts of over 10k followers. These native links are proven ways to drive sales. Tesco takes Stories to another level by putting out special articles featuring employee recipes. The idea of sharing a recipe is casual and homey. Converted into Story format people feel like they’re reading grandma’s recipe book from any device and on any Story platform.

What are some ways you can feature the people who make your company special?

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Tell your business story!

The Stories format is an excellent opportunity for expressing the history of your brand. For example, Subaru shares the evolution of the business in a sleek embeddable publication and mobile Story. Or Patagonia shares how they transitioned to recyclable materials in their snow gear. A subject that could easily put people to sleep if told as chemical research. However, they told it through world-famous powder surfer Kazushi Yamauchi, aka the Orange Man— a much more engaging lens. People enjoy feeling like they’re getting exclusive information. Be vulnerable, and sift through those records for gems to share.

Get started developing your brand voice with Issuu’s suite of storytelling products.