How to Start a Digital Magazine – Design, Dedication, Marketing

By IssuuOctober 20, 2017Last updated on August 15, 2019Business, Tips

Starting a Digital Magazine – Part Two

Welcome to part two of our basic outline for starting a digital magazine! In our first part of this blog series, we covered finding the premise, the needs of the magazine and sorting out timelines. This time, we’re talking design, dedication and marketing. Got more questions on starting a digital magazine? Reach out to us @issuu!


The DesignThe ball is rolling on this brand new digital magazine… but now the actual publication needs to happen. The design of the magazine is one of the most important parts; it is the display case for all of the captivating content within. Having a clear and concise design that will keep the attention of readers and look good is what a high quality magazine is built on. Will there be a specific color palette to adhere to? How about fonts? Every element is important to the magazine’s identity.

Some might hire a designer while others will take a stab at the design themselves. Whichever the case may be, there are several ways to start creating. Adobe InDesign is one of the more common tools to create magazines, while others have used Adobe Photoshop and even Apple’s tool Pages. The options are limitless. We also provide magazine and catalogue templates for InDesign that may serve as a helpful design base.

Image via Quiet Lunch Image via Blush 

The DedicationLike all great things, magazines take time. There is a certain level of commitment that comes with starting a big project. Whether it’s professional or personal, a new publication will take up a little more than just a Saturday afternoon–– and that’s okay! It is important to allow oneself the time and passion to be able to make it work. Every publication is put together by the dedication of an individual or a team who are committed to the project.

The MarketingCongratulations! The time has been put in, the design is beautiful, the magazine is made; now where is it going? It is important to start building the social media presence of the magazine before its release to get a buzz going. If people don’t know about it, how are they going to know to read it when it comes out?

Instagram is a huge platform for magazines, as many magazines work heavily with visuals. The ability to share images so quickly and easily, while also connecting with a wide potential audience, is a benefit that can serve any magazine well. Twitter and Facebook are also very important for connecting to audiences on a more personal level. Get the latest news and updates out with Twitter in the ease of 140 characters, and use Facebook to stop potential readers mid-scroll to see what you’ve got to share. Issuu supports our publishers with turnkey social sharing tools right at your fingertips. Embed your magazine right on your Facebook or Twitter feed and drive engagement among your followers right there on these social platforms. This will increase the chance that your followers will share it to their network too. Ever noticed how GIF images always capture your attention when browsing your feed? The Issuu GIF tool allows you to create a GIF of your magazine to stop your followers mid-scroll and encourage them to check out your magazine.You can’t think about your social media marketing strategy without considering the Stories format, which is now the most popular media format. Create Stories for Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and more to engage your audience with your content in an animated and interesting way. Issuu Stories make it easy to turn your magazine content into Stories for social. Choose to create a Visual Story with headlines, photos, animation and video or for the longform, text-based content, create an Article Story. Issuu makes sure you are tapping into this important media type without needing to create more or new content, but instead showcasing your magazine content that you already dedicated yourself to and worked so hard to publish.Issuu is always on the lookout to highlight exciting content, so make sure to tag your magazine posts and Stories with #IssuuLoves and follow @Issuu to get noticed. Select Issuu publications and Stories will even be featured on the Issuu Homepage, included in the Weekly Top Stories email, be curated on Issuu’s Apple News channel and more.

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