How to Publish an Online Portfolio

By Angela RuthOctober 25, 2019Last updated on January 27, 2020Tips, Content Marketing, Business

Showcasing and distributing your portfolio is easy with Issuu. Learn how thousands of other professionals and creatives use our platform to promote their body of work.


Embedding your portfolio is simple. After uploading your pdf, copy the embed link and add it to your HTML editor of choice. The flip-book reader is customizable, so people see your personal brand no matter where your portfolio is posted. See the example below from designer Eva Bolou. She personalized and embedded her final project directly into her personal website.

eva blu digital flipbook, astronaut and group of people

The Embed is a professional and beautiful way of exhibiting your online portfolio.  Photographers, architects, and designers alike all agree that a personal website is a must. No website? Take the previous Publisher of the Month Kolor magazine‘s advice on operating on a budget and get a Squarespace. They give you the building blocks of a professional website at an affordable price. They also advise you to embed work directly into your blog posts as well.


This relates to the next crucial step in using Issuu for your portfolio–making it stand out. If you have limited page layout experience, consider using our free magazine design templates. Also, our Video feature allows all kinds of creators to showcase their work in a sleek flip-book format. Use links and video to give an inside look into your creative process. For example, link to exclusive social media content directly within the embed.


You could have the most beautiful portfolio, but it’s no use if clients can’t access it. Issuu’s unique sharing capabilities get you the attention you deserve. All clients need is a link to access. Or, get creative with our gif generator. Use it like a highlight reel or teaser of your most accomplished work and post it to social media.

However, an even better way of sharing your portfolio is with Issuu Stories. Share projects you are proud of in tap-through interactive format compatible with any device and social networking site. With our AMP integration, Stories automatically increase your search engine optimization (SEO), or your discoverability on search engines. This translates into more exposure and, therefore, more work for you! Further boost the discoverability of your online portfolio with a description and website links on your Issuu profile.

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