Customer Spotlight: NUDE. Magazine

By Ale RamirezJuly 17, 2020Last updated on July 17, 2020Editorial

Issuu is spotlighting NUDE., one of Issuu’s independent magazine publishers, and the mind behind it, Raylene Pereyra.

NUDE. is an independent online publication that starts every issue creatively from scratch, with the one common thread being Raylene’s vision. “I called it the platform for creatives. Creatives in an unconventional and millennial sense,” Pereyra explains. Regularly updating over the month, each issue is only 5 dollars to access all the dynamic content. 

a person standing in front of a sign

NUDE. Magazine is unique in the market, focusing on the people who work behind the scenes. These are the artists who are too ethereally cool and too underground for them to be easily defined. They are surfers and tattoo artists, graffiti geniuses, make-up mavericks, and yes, even the occasional model. 

“I just woke up one day with the idea in my head. I’m gonna start a magazine and it’s called NUDE. So I rolled over and googled ‘How to Start a Magazine’.” The story is unexpectedly and surprisingly blunt, but as evidenced by her unprecedented success, this is how Raylene Pereyra functions. The visionary young founder behind NUDE. Magazine is straightforward, motivated, and driven in her determination. 

Must-Read Issue: Issue 052 – Amine

Raylene takes advantage of Issuu’s digital sales feature to sell her magazine through Issuu itself. With preview pages for her publication, she can show as many or as few as she’d like,  giving the audience just a taste of the visual feast inside. These can be easily changed whenever, and like Raylene, you can open up older publications to be read for free once you’ve uploaded newer content you want to focus sales on.

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