Introducing issuu Collaborate — how teams work as one

By Issuu OpsApril 19, 2016Last updated on February 2, 2018Product Updates

a group of people jumping in the air

It takes a very creative village to take a stunning issuu publication from an idea to a finished product. Editors, designers, artists and ad sales all commit to getting each publication as good as it can be. Add in Skype, Slack, Google Docs and whatever tools issuu publishers use to transfer files and connect people across town or around the world, and the work can get messy — making hitting Publish harder than it has to be.

Introducing Collaborate

We at issuu want to make creating a publication as painless as possible. So we are introducing a new tool your whole team will love: Collaborate. Collaborate streamlines your publishing process, bringing your workflow and your contributors all into one place.  

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From flatplanning, assigning articles and placing ads to managing reviews and producing a final PDF, your creative village will be able to do it all right in Collaborate. “We’ve come a long way with our flatplanning since our whiteboard,” says issuu publisher and Collaborate user Ben Davies, director of Factory. “Collaborate has made our production process much more organized and streamlined.” That means no more chasing down materials, switching systems or playing version roulette.

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Evaluate Collaborate today

Does this sound like something you could use? Let’s make it easy: Enjoy a free trial of Collaborate for three weeks and see if this tool is right for you. (Hint: It is.) Get started with a host of how-tos from our issuu Support team and realize your publication dreams.

Be social

While you’re taking Collaborate for a test drive, please tell us what you think! Tweet your thoughts @issuu with the hashtag #issuucollaborate, or contact Support for help at

Stop spending your energy getting everything together and start focusing on what made your publication amazing in the first place — delighting audiences with great content. Collaborate!