7 Earth Day Tips from Issuu Creators

By Stephanie WarnerApril 19, 2022Events, Tips

Illustration of the earth from outer space.

Since 1970, Earth Day has been a global celebration of our planet and a call to respect and protect the environment. Every year on April 22nd, people and organizations around the world take time to recognize the enormous impact humans are having on the earth. 

In recent years, there has been a major shift in increasing the level of awareness for people and companies regarding the impact their collective choices are having on the environment. Luckily, this shift has resulted in people making meaningful lifestyle changes, actively seeking more information on how to reduce their carbon footprint, and discussing attainable ways they can lessen their environmental impact. 

Celebrating Earth Day Every Day

Issuu is a digital publishing platform, so the very nature of our business helps to improve the environment by reducing the number of print materials that companies, organizations, and individuals produce. Issuu saves an immense amount of paper from ever needing to be manufactured, printed, and used. And every piece of paper saved positively impacts the carbon footprint we create, slowly repairing our planet by reducing the number of trees cut down for traditional publishing methods. 

Since sustainability matters so much to us, we decided to quantify exactly how our digital publishing platform made a difference last year. We started our calculations by counting the 20,000+ new documents and publications uploaded to Issuu every single day. Publications are both big and small, from one-page sales spec sheets and 10-page real estate brochures to 48-page wanderlust-inducing travel magazines, 300-page retail catalogs, 500+ page educational textbooks, and more. We also analyzed that there were 1,588,139,035 reads on Issuu publications from March 2020 to March 2021, which equaled over 32 billion pages being read in the same period. (This is actual eyes and impressions on the pages of content.) With all that data on hand, we then estimated that 1 tree is roughly equal to 8,333 sheets of paper. So, nearly 3,811,686 trees were saved by distributing content on Issuu in just 12 months! Woah.

That’s certainly something to celebrate, don’t you think?

Tips on Going Green

Many organizations and businesses are already focused on helping the earth. Some brands are even incorporating more sustainable business practices into their companies, while others may offer products and information that enable the public to make eco-friendly changes to their lifestyle. At Issuu, we're proud to be the digital content publishing and distribution platform of choice for many environmentally-conscious organizations to produce page-turning magazines, how-to guides, share research, and more. These companies choose to publish on Issuu for several reasons: we're a better alternative to printing on paper, they enjoy advanced publishing features, and the incredibly easy distribution process helps grow the visibility and reach of their content.

Check out these recommended Earth Day tips and climate change publications available on Issuu. You can also explore our curated Climate Change stack for even more great content.

An At-Home Sustainability Guide for Beginners

Celebrate Earth Day the right way with this Beginner Sustainability Guide from EarthHero; it’s full of content geared toward anyone looking to live a more mindful lifestyle, starting at home. From reasons why living sustainably is the way to go, to explanations on recycling and the best sustainable materials to use, EarthHero has you covered. Learn about easy eco-swaps you can make and how to monitor your progress so you can springboard yourself into green living. Invite your friends to learn with you!

Not Going The Extra Mile: Driving Less to Tackle Climate Change

The UK-based Green Alliance is a charity and independent think tank focused on ambitious leadership for the environment. They are actively promoting the idea of driving less to help the UK - and countries around the world - cut emissions and achieve their decarbonization goals. Check it out, and you may find yourself rethinking that standalone errand next time you get in your car.

The Earth Day Guide for Companies

Alaya by Benevity provides company leaders with a downloadable eBook on how to activate employees by organizing a company-wide clean-up event in honor of Earth Day. Get your teams together and get green … collect waste in a local park, beach, river, or any shared space that inspires you. This eBook offers seven easy steps to follow so your company can make a difference.

Saving Earth for Kids

Today’s kids know our planet faces important challenges, and they know the environment needs our help, too. But the real science and solutions around climate change and environmental issues can be tricky to understand at a young age - and even harder to put into action. That’s why we’re here! Saving Earth for Kids magazine wants young readers to understand the science in order to tackle creative solutions for saving and preserving the Earth. Through stories, games, and activities, we show kids how to be the superheroes our planet needs!

Good Housekeeping: Green Living

Good Housekeeping magazine offers top tips and tricks for keeping your entire home as Earth-friendly as can be. Follow this advice and start to feel better about your health and your household today — as well as the entire world.

31 Day Zero Waste Challenge

Start the 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge using this day-to-day guide filled with great advice and tips on transitioning your daily life into a low/zero waste one. Whether you're new to the game or a zero-waste expert already, there's something here for everyone, from neat statistics to DIY recipes and more.

Keep Up The Momentum All Year Long

We may only celebrate Earth Day once a year, but the movement to respect our planet and understand our impact on the environment is happening 24/7/365. Issuu is home to environmental magazines, climate change research, case studies, multi-national reports on the effects of climate change, and tons of other climate-focused content. Enjoy our curated list above or explore even more on your own.

Have your own climate-related content to share? Join Issuu to create exciting digital content that you can share on your website, social, and more.