5 Essential Content Marketing Resolutions for 2021

By Ale RamirezJanuary 8, 2021Editorial

5 Essential Content Marketing Resolutions for 2021

Everyone: 2021 is here—and digital content is more important than ever. It’s not too late to make a few content marketing resolutions so you ensure your organization truly connects your content with your target audiences.

Here are five essential content resolutions to make 2021 amazing:

1. Be yourself

Authentic content taps into our senses. It immerses us. It engages our whole being. In 2021, let’s be authentic. How? By understanding your audiences better. By eschewing jargon. By connecting on the things that matter most to the people who matter most to your business

2. Try New Platforms

Push the envelope in 2021. A TikTok video? A Visual Story on Instagram? Powerful storytelling opportunities are out there, and that should have everyone responsible for content marketing excited for 2021. 

3. Tune in to your Target

Being in tune with your target audiences is more important than ever. And it’s valuable. The advanced targeting capabilities of modern advertising platforms make pinpoint content marketing as critical as pinpoint targeting. Keep a sharp focus fixed on your audience — and make your content work harder.

4. Do what you say you’re going to do

It’s an easy one to miss. But if you say that your organization offers, say, “real solutions,” then make sure they deliver on your promise. In 2021, let’s resolve to create content that really gives people what you say you’re going to provide. You can’t just market that something is “authentic” if it isn’t.

5. Get Immersive

Today’s consumer is digitally savvy, and wants content that invites them to lean in. A great way to immerse your audiences in your content is to use Issuu, especially Issuu Visual Stories. You can create a visual story right from the PDFs you already have on the Issuu Story Cloud. Try it today!